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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Beli Buku Suatu Kegilaan Bagiku

Oleh: Mohammad Nasiruddin Mohd Tahir
Tahun 1 KIZ

Alhamdulillah,seinfiniti kesyukuran kepada Allah SWT diatas rahmat dan hidayahnya 
aku masih berpeluang meneruskan sisa-sisa umur yang berbaki untuk terus beribadah kepadaNYA.Seterusnya, selawat dan salam keatas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW diatas perjuangan baginda,kita masih merasai nikmat IMAN dan ISLAM.ALHAMDULILLAH.

Sebelum aku meneruskan kalam aku. Terima kasih aku ucapkan kepada barisan MEP KIZ yang meminta pada aku agar mencoretkan sebuah artikel untuk berkongsi rasa dan cerita untuk seluruh warga to Kak Dayang..hehe..kerap kali kak dayang  mesej aku di FB bila nk tulis artikel utk perkongsian bersama rakan-rakan?..akhirnya aku sambut dan menerima utk menulis artikel ini  agar dapat dikongsi bersama.. Semoga ianya bermanfaat tuk semua..Insyaallah..

Nama aku Mohammad Nasiruddin bin Mohd Tahir...aku berumur …….(secret).aku berasal dari Johor. Tinggal di Kuala lumpur dan sekarang hanya menghitung hari berada di KL sebelum pulang semula ke negeri asal aku di Johor Bahru coz ayah aku bersara. Aku mendapat pendidikan Awal di SKSHAS, SMKBB(hanya 5 bulan), SMA di negeri JOHOR. Selepas menerima keputusan SPM yang merupakan sejarah paling bermakna bg aku(nnti aku coretkan akan dtg), aku menerima dua tawaran untuk menyambung pengajian aku iaitu UIAM dan DARUL QURAN, JAKIM. Ketika itu, aku confused untuk memilih yg mana satu institusi pengajian yang ingin aku teruskan..Akhirnya,kata hati aku member  isyarat bahawa  DARUL QURAN tempat yang terbaik bg 

Pernah dengar DARUL QURAN? DQ merupakan sebuah institusi pengajian tahfiz yang dikendalikan KERAJAAN MALAYSIA melalui JAKIM. Sebuah Institusi yang melahirkan seorang hafizul quran, duat untuk umat..Alhamdulillah,aku berjaya menamatkan pengajian 3 tahun walaupun berbagai-bagai mehnah dan ujian yang aku dan rakan2 hadapi. .Allah saja yang tahu. Kini, aku terus melangkah maju meneruskan pengajian aku di bumi pembukitan ilmu,UKM.. Semua ini telah diaturkan oleh Tuhan

Baiklah, tajuk aku tentang “beli buku suatu kegilaan bagiku”.Dulu aku adalah seorang yg paling malas membaca apatah lagi jika nk beli buku. Kalau membaca sekalipun, aku hanya menatap gambaran  muka hadapan surat khabar, majalah ujang tanpa melihat isi dan isu yang terkandung didalamnya..Itulah aku..TP itu DULU, SEKARANG lain pula…sikap aku yang malas membaca mula berubah ketika aku berada di DQ..Di DQ,aku punya senior dan merupakan NAQIB aku. Dia memang seorang yg tip top berkaitan segala perkara yg melibatkan ilmu dan perkara semasa..Dia ada pesan pada aku "Nasir,bacalah BUKU. Didalamnya terkandung banyak ilmu..jika enta malas membaca buku sekalipun, cukuplah kalau enta punya “kegilaan” membeli buku..” fuh!!tersentap aku bila dy pesan kat aku. Namun, aku melihat pesanan dari sudut pandangan positif maka bermulalah sikap aku .yang ‘gila’ melihat buku..pantang aku tgk buku kat kedai, pasti aku beli walaupun sebuah..

Apa yg disampaikan oleh Naqib aku,benar mengubah diri aku..ada betul jgk dia pesan sedemikian. Bagi aku, jika ingin melakukan sesuatu perkara yg diluar kebiasaan kita sgt suka memerlukan masa dan ‘paksaan’ jika kita ingin berubah..Selain itu,jika aku x mampu nk baca habis sebuah buku sekalipun, cukuplah bagiku untuk memilikinya sebagai rujukan .Ia begitu penting jika diri disoal mengenai sesuatu perkara..Sekurang-kurangnya kita punya rujukan untuk dirujuk..Tambahan pula,cara aku mudah, klo nk kemana, aku pasti akan membimbing buku.. klo x mampu nk baca habis satu bab sekalipun,cukup bagi aku membaca satu halaman coz setiap satu huruf itu adalah ILMU.. 

Satu pesanan yang selalu menjadi sumber inspirasi aku, Pesan Imam Hasan al Banna "Binalah sebuah perpustakan mini didalam rumahmu” Inilah cita-cita aku untuk mempunyai perpustakaan sendiri Doakan aku wahai teman2..Buku ini utk aku, dan untuk isteri dan anak-anak aku.. aku menginginkan sebuah keluarga yg cinta pada ilmu, akhlak, dan bermanfaat utk ummah..untung sape yg berjaya memikat hati aku..hehehe..gurau je..:)

Konklusi, kata Imam Al Ghazali, ”Jika kita ingin ikhlas melakukan sesuatu perkara,maka kita perlu memaksa dan terus memaksa melakukan perkara tersebut.Insyaallah,sifat ikhlas akan hadir..”. Ini saja coretan dan perkongsian yg boleh aku kongsikan bersama anda sume..Aku minta maaf jika aku menggunakan bahasa yg tidak formal sbb bg aku ini cara yg paling sesuai jika ingin berkongsi pengalaman sebuah kehidupan..Aku bersedia menerima teguran jika aku silap..aku mendoakan kalian smua berjaya dalam setiap bidang yang dipelajari..ameen..sekian..BERSAMBUNG….



10 Nov 2014.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Sharing is Caring : Youth Leadership Academy


Youth Leadership Academy. YLA. Have you ever heard of this?

So what is YLA? Based on the official website of YLA, Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) is a 12-week project-based, leadership development program designed for local university students. The program revolves around 3 workshops, a project, and a unique mentoring program that really makes this a life-changing experience.

So I managed to join in YLA 2014 and well, I'm gonna share my experience with you guys, if you're interested hihi. I knew this program from our beloved Pengetua who posted this on facebook. So yup, never just simply scroll down your facebook without really checking out whatever announcement or info people are sharing. Because there's opportunity everywhereeee~

So to get accepted into this program, we have to go through a few phases of selection including a walk-in interview. Oh wait, before I continue; I know most of us are scared and won't even give it a try when we know there's interview and selection process- no, never do that. Be brave, give it a try. You're not going to loss anything, instead you're going to learn a lot from it. Just try, okay?

Okay back to my story, if I'm not mistaken, I had to first fill in an online form and write an essay about me, my experience, my vision and mission, and things like that. After that phase, there's a second phase which was an online interview. I got to answer in a two minutes video question like, "What would you do if you have an infinite amount of money to spend?". Interesting right? So if it's you, what's your answer? Hehe

Few forgive-my-short-term-memory-can't-recall-how-long-exactly-I-had-to-wait later, I got a phone call and an email that I was one of the short listed candidates and I had to go for an interview in McKinsey, KLCC. Fuhhh I seriously couldn't believe it and so I went for the interview. And a long story short, I got in!! Hoorayyy

There are three workshops I had to attend. Unfortunately, due to family matter, I missed the first workshop. It's okay because whatever it is, family comes first. Right? So don't forget to call your family every single day peeps, that's the simplest thing that we can do for them! :)

Okay back to the main topic. We were sorted out into groups. After the first workshop which I didn't attend, my group members found me virtually (lol) and added me on facebook. They were Rebecca from UTM (I've actually met her earlier during the interview), Kenny from UM, Daniel from Monash University and Ishvinder from MMU. And we got two mentors from McKinsey, Senthu and Nazrul. So guess what? We gotta come up with a project and have it done in 12 weeks!
:) not everyone's in the picture though
It's already a challenge when you have to work with these complete strangers- let alone having to manage a 12 weeks high impact project! Just imagine you've never met them before, you didn't know how these guys work and suddenly poofff you gotta work with them! In 12 weeks! But Alhamdulillah, they're one of the best teams I've ever worked with and we managed to get our project done by time, successfully!

I learned a lot from this. I learned how to make full use of social media as a medium to work! Haha you see, we didn't come from the same place so thank god for the Internet we managed to work things out together. On another note, each one of us had our own commitment to attend so it's quite a task to find time to sit together, be it virtually or for real. The key point if you're facing a situation like this is- to be understanding. Yes, if you understand each other, it's easier for you to compromise and work on things together.

All this while I learned theoretically that in an organisation, utilizing your teammates' strength is important to move your team to one level higher- and well, it's true! We recognized each other's strength and we divided the task based on it. It worked! Well I think it's because generally, people tend to do their best when they know it's their strength and when they know they're good at it. So yeah it's a tip for you, if you're still reading this ( thank you bcs you made it here I'm touched! :') ) lol

Personally, I know I didn't give my 100% commitment in this project. I'm not trying to give any excuse, but (lol still giving myself an excuse, shame on me) at the time- I was overwhelmed with the first year students' orientation week and all the weeks of preparing for it. So yup, I don't feel like I contributed that much, but thank God for my thoughtful teammates, they gave me tasks that suit my time and capability. And lesson learnt from that? I learned to manage my time better and to balance all of my responsibilities well.

Throughout all the three workshops (for me, two) and the project, I met many new people. These people I met- I super love their work ethic, how they carry themselves around people and the positivity that they have simply shine through their personality- I learned a lot from them! I was so impressed with their self-confidence and evvvvvverything and believe me when I say they're all very successful young leaders with lots of experiences and achievements that made me feel so small. Seriously T.T But I observed them and I learned from them as not everything you can learn from books, sometimes it's from each other that we learn the most.

Okay I better stop myself from writing more. There's so much things to share with you guys because I seriously gained a lot from this-
but why not you (and me) go out there, grab whatever chance there is, and experience things ourselves? 
After all, experience is the best teacher ;)

And with that, I'm gonna leave you guys with some pictures:
With one of the speakers during the workshop, Dato' Farid, CEO of Maybank.
From him I learned about the power of an introvert.
While you might not know this because I don't look like one as I look like I have an outgoing personality,
I'm actually an introvert. Surprise surprise!

The most precious thing about all of this is the friendship that we built :)

Oh ya almost forgot to mention the project that we're working on, it's Asthma Malaysia!
Well, let's just like Asthma Malaysia facebook page for more details!

So that's all about it. 
All good things come from Allah and all the bad things are from my side.
Have a nice week!